PC InfoName: Rashane Calanyn
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Faction: Galactic Empire
NPC Basic Info
Character’s Name: Jaered Zhet
Class: Soldier
Faction: Galactic Empire
Rank: Lieutenant J.G.
Species: Human
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 157 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brunette
Skin: Caucasian, lightly tanned
Distinguishing Marks: None
Dominate Hand: Ambidextrous
Force Sensitive: No
Strengths and Weaknesses:Strengths
Jaeden is intelligent and able to lead well. His leadership abilities are very clear, and his subordinates generally follow him without question.
Jaeden is opinionated and hot heated, resentful of people who use their influence, and tries to oppose them at any possible turn. He doesn't know when to hold his tongue, which gets him into trouble.
Gear:Jaered wears the normal dull-grey uniform of the Imperial Navy, accompanied by the rank insignia on his left breast. He is often seen carrying a datapad.
Personality:Jaeden is extremely resentful against those who use their influence and wealth to get ahead of others. This creates tension between him and his Captain, straining their relationship. Jaeden is opinionated and hot headed, speaking what he feels like, which slows down his progress.
History:Jaeden's history was pretty typical. Neither of his parents died, achieved great things or were insanely rich. His childhood years passed without any notable events, and when he finished schooling at eighteen, Jaeden headed into the Imperial Academy. He graduated four years later, ready to serve the Empire in whatever manner he could.
Jaeden was on unequal ground for most of his years following the Academy. Several of his peers came from strong Imperial families and received accelerated promotions and illustrious assignments. Jaeden, however, was forced to work his way up slowly. He began on a small gunship, patrolling the borders of the Empire. Jaeden was assigned as a mere tactician, a duty normally held by Enlisted officers on larger ships, but manpower was meager and officers assumed task that would normally be held by lower ranking crewmembers.
After his gunship was nearly destroyed in battle, Jaeden was assigned to a cruiser, this time the head of a ship department. For several years he served dutifully on the ship, earning a promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Three more years passed, and Jaeden got word of a new ship class being developed. He placed a request for a transfer to one of the squadrons, hoping to earn a position as a Executive Officer, or even a promotion and assignment as Commanding Officer of one of those ships.
Much to his disappointment, Jaeden was assigned only as the Executive Officer of one of the ships, second in command. To add to his despair, the ship he was assigned had no specific squadron, but served as a backup and support vessel to the rest. As if it couldn't get any worse, the commanding officer, who attained his position by way of his family influence and association with Grand Admiral Krimson, was only half his age, a fourteen-year-old boy!
Physical StatisticsStrength (Str): 2/10
Dexterity (Dex): 5/10
Constitution (Con): 3/10
Wisdom (Wis): 5/10
Intelligence (Int): 6/10
Charisma (Cha): 7/10
SkillsAwareness: 7
Computer Use: 6
Demolitions: 0
Persuade: 5
Repair: 4
Security: 8
Stealth: 0
Treat Injury: 0
Lightsaber Forms:None
Force Powers:None
Force Alignment----------------------
1 2 3 4 [5\6] 7 8 9 10