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Topic: Rashane Calanyn - SWANA (Read 3825 times) previous topic - next topic

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Rashane Calanyn - SWANA
Name: Rashane Calanyn
Weapons: A Merr-Sonn compact blaster pistol
Armor/Clothes: When on duty, Rashane wears the typical naval uniform of an Armada officer, decorated with the standard rank insignia for his branch. Accompanying his uniform, Rashane usually wears a Merr-Sonn compact model blaster pistol strapped to his side.

Off duty, Rashane's attire varies. He sometimes sports a Corellian-style jacket, or wears the latest fashions of apparel in Republic youth. He tends to favor earth-tone colors, browns, darker greens, etc. in his clothing, and to a lesser extent the color blue.
Age: 14
Height: 5' 4"
Build: Medium
Species: Human

Class: Soldier
Specified Skills: Rashane has a great capacity to comprehend and learn quickly, surpassing his peers of age in knowledge and achievement. He can analyze possible consequences to actions, aiding him when quick decisions are needed but care is as well.
Personality: Even as young as he is, Rashane's personality is rather complex. He is generally calm and soft spoken, rarely utilizing wit or sarcasm, preferring to employ facts and logic instead. His immense knowledge is evident in his words and actions. Rashane tries hard not to say or do anything in a careless manner, being meticulously cautious. Rash action is not a common trait, although Rashane will take risks if necessary.

Despite his large amount of, and capacity for, knowledge, Rashane is still around the maturity level of his age peers. Emotions, though he tries to control him, are prone to get the best of him at the worst of times. Fortunately, his connections protect him from any sever repercussions in any lapse in control; however, Rashane is not arrogant about his influences. He does not attempt to flaunt them around frivolously, aware of the possible consequences.

Rashane's values and honor is highly influenced by his mentors. His tutor, at a young age, taught him to use logic instead of wit, which he retains. Still an adolescent, Rashane is impressionable by those he takes to admiring and his loyalty can blind him to the true intentions of his role models.
Flaws: Rashane's greatest weakness lies in his impressionability by those he considers mentors. His tutor at a young age was responsible for his trust in logic and intelligence over wit and irrationality. Should any other person fall into the position of mentor, Rashane would likely follow their word without regard for the consequences.
Ships/transports: Rashane commands a Star Defender in the Republic Armada.
Homeplanet: Kuat
Affiliation: Grand United Galactic Republic Armada
Character History: The Calanyn family has long been supporters of the United Galactic Republic. Living on Republic worlds for the majority of its existence, at least one member of the family has been in the employ of the Republic since about 1000 A.B.Y. Tiberius Calanyn is the earliest recorded member of the family to serve directly under the Republic, he earned the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Navy and was a sufficiently decorated officer.

Calanyn's served the Republic dutifully, some in the Navy like Tiberius Calanyn, some in the Ministry or Government, and a few in other departments. Their achievements grew, and Calanyns became Captains, Governors, and even a Deputy Director. The highest achievement of a Calanyn was Donovan Calanyn, who attained the rank of Admiral in 1476 A.B.Y.

Rashane was raised by his parents, Marcus and Nalah Calanyn, on Kuat. Marcus was a Captain in the Republic Armada assigned to the Kuat Drive Yards research division. He headed the teams responsible for incorporating new technologies and improvements into the layouts of starship designs and submitting them to be finalized. His job kept him away from home too often, and Rashane was raised primarily by his mother for the first part of his life.

Even before Rashane started schooling, it was apparent that he was advanced for his age. He learned how to speak and walk earlier than most of his peers, and was able to read and write before he was four. Rashane was learning at such a rate that his parents decided to hire a tutor who specialized in young children. With his tutor, Rashane began learning what his seniors of two or three years were learning, and when he was of age to begin normal school, the administrators placed him in classes above his age group.

Rashane had a natural grasp for his studies, and progressed quickly. He was considered a genius by some, but intelligence tests revealed no exceedingly abnormal IQ. Simply, Rashane was able to learn and understand quickly, comprehending thing at a rate that would take his classmates twice or even three times as long to. By the time Rashane was twelve, he had completed the necessary coursework for his entire schooling as required by law. His parents were proud of their son and started exploring possibilities for the next stage of his life.

Due, in part, to his father's influence, but mostly from his own intelligence, Rashane was able to gain entry into the Academy to train as an officer in the Armada. His intelligence and quick understanding of concepts moved him through the Academy at a rapid rate, in part due to his father's influence, and he graduated just two years later. His father again pulled some strings and was able to obtain a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Rashane, and a command of a Star Defender corvette.


Strength: (6/10)
Dexterity: (7/10)
Constitution: (6/10)
Wisdom: (5/10)
Intelligence: (7/10)
Charisma: (5/10)


Awareness: (5/10)
Computer Use: (10/10)
Demolitions: (0/10)
Persuade: (2/10)
Repair: (5/10)
Security: (8/10)
Stealth: (4/10)
Treat Injury: (1/10)

  • Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 06:22:20 pm by The Insane Admin