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Topic: Rashane Calanyn - TDT (Read 6174 times) previous topic - next topic

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Rashane Calanyn - TDT
Player Info
Name/Alias Jordan
Where are you from: Minnesota, USA
Age: 18
How did you find us: Current Member
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Character Info
Character Name: Rashane Calanyn
Titles/Nicknames: Shane
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Place of Origin: Kuat
Profession: Imperial Naval Officer
Affiliation: Galactic Empire, Imperial Navy
Rank: Lieutenant
Force Sensitive: No


-Hair Color: Brunette
-Eye Color: Brown
-Height: 5'4"
-Weight: 100 lbs
-Skin: Tan
-Clothing/Armor: When on duty, Rashane wears the typical dull-grey uniform of an Imperial Navy officer. Although he commands a starship, his rank of Lieutenant restricts him from wearing the jet black uniform of the senior line officers. His uniform is decorated with the standard rank insignia for his branch, which consists of one row of four blue squares and a single code cylinder affixed to the right of the design. Accompanying his uniform, Rashane usually wears a BlasTech DH-17 blaster pistol strapped to his side.

Off duty, Rashane's attire varies. He sometimes sports a Corellian-style jacket, or wears the latest fashions of apparel in Imperial youth. He tends to favor earth-tone colors, browns, darker greens, etc. in his clothing, and to a lesser extent the color blue.

Distinguishing Features: On his own there are no distinguishing features. However, among his fellow officers, his age and shorter stature generally sets him apart.
Handiness: Left

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Rashane has a great capacity to comprehend and learn quickly, surpassing his peers of age in knowledge and achievement. He can analyze possible consequences to actions, aiding him when quick decisions are needed but care is as well.

Rashane's greatest weakness lies in his impressionability by those he considers mentors. His tutor at a young age was responsible for his trust in logic and intelligence over wit and irrationality. He considers Krimson a mentor, and would, for the most part, follow his word, regardless of the consequences.

Even as young as he is, Rashane's personality is rather complex. He is generally calm and soft spoken, rarely utilizing wit or sarcasm, preferring to employ facts and logic instead. His immense knowledge is evident in his words and actions. Rashane tries hard not to say or do anything in a careless manner, being meticulously cautious. Rash action is not a common trait, although Rashane will take risks if necessary.

Despite his large amount of, and capacity for, knowledge, Rashane is still around the maturity level of his age peers. Emotions, though he tries to control him, are prone to get the best of him at the worst of times. Fortunately, his connections protect him from any sever repercussions in any lapse in control; however, Rashane is not arrogant about his influences. He does not attempt to flaunt them around frivolously, aware of the possible consequences.

Rashane's values and honor is highly influenced by his mentors. His tutor, at a young age, taught him to use logic instead of wit, which he retains. Krimson has been an influence on him, and continues to be. Still an adolescent, Rashane is impressionable by those he takes to admiring and his loyalty can blind him to the true intentions of his role models.

Weapons: BlasTech DH-17
Armour: Imperial Naval Uniform (junior officer variety)
Vehicles: Commands the Carrack Cruiser, Indomitable
Other Items: Standard Imperial Comlink, Imperial Datapad, Imperial Code Cylinder

-Father: Marcus Calanyn
-Mother: Nalah Calanyn

The Calanyn family has long been supporters of the galactic government. Living on Republic worlds for as far back as genealogy can trace, at least one member of the family has been in the employ of the military since about 100 BrS. Tiberius Calanyn is the earliest recorded member of the family to serve directly under the Republic, he earned the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Navy and was a sufficiently decorated officer.

Calanyns served the Republic dutifully, some in the Navy like Tiberius Calanyn, some in the Ministry or Government, and a few in other departments. No Calanyn has ever served in intelligence, though several have tried. Their achievements grew, and Calanyns became Captains, Governors, and even a Deputy Director. The highest achievement of a Calanyn was Donovan Calanyn, who, at the beginning of the Stark Hyperspace War, served as a Vice Admiral in one of the initial battles, although he was killed during the destruction of his flagship in 9 BrS.

Rashane was raised by his parents, Marcus and Nalah Calanyn, on Kuat. Marcus was a Commander in the Republic Navy assigned to the Kuat Drive Yards research division. He headed the teams responsible for incorporating new technologies and improvements into the layouts of starship designs and submitting them to be finalized. His job kept him away from home too often, and Rashane was raised primarily by his mother for the first part of his life.

Even before Rashane started schooling, it was apparent that he was advanced for his age. He learned how to speak and walk earlier than most of his peers, and was able to read and write before he was four. Rashane was learning at such a rate that his parents decided to hire a tutor who specialized in young children. With his tutor, Rashane began learning what his seniors of two or three years were learning, and when he was of age to begin normal school, the administrators placed him in classes above his age group.

Rashane had a natural grasp for his studies, and progressed quickly. He was considered a genius by some, but intelligence tests revealed no exceedingly abnormal IQ. Simply, Rashane was able to learn and understand quickly, comprehending thing at a rate that would take his classmates twice or even three times as long to. By the time Rashane was just eleven and a half, he had completed the necessary coursework for his entire schooling as required by law. His parents were proud of their son and started exploring possibilities for the next stage of his life.

Unbeknownst to his parents, someone already had a plan for Rashane in mind. The Senate Bureau of Intelligence, working as they always did, had become interested by Rashane when he was eight years old and already halfway through the levels of education. Impressed by his sharp mind, they began keeping tabs on the boy and his progress for Admiral Krimson, who sometimes found use for the people that II labeled as interesting. His picks were always useful in different ways, but it was well known by those who were familiar with Krimson's practice that his chosen people always became notable figures, either by Krimson's side or within the Empire's ranks.

Rashane was brought to Krimson shortly after he had graduated from secondary school. Examining his intelligence, the Admiral realized the potential the youth held to him. He convinced Rashane to be his assistant, and, over time, Krimson became like a father figure to Rashane, making up for the lack of time his own father spent in his life. Rashane was inexorably drawn to him and willing to do almost anything Krimson asked. Several months later, as the Clone Wars began, Krimson took the boy to a special facility where he inserted several implants into his head. These implants, using a technology developed specifically for Krimson, were capable of allowing the brain to interface with them and access the data stored within. These particular implants contained the knowledge of a typical thirty-year-old Naval Officer, allowing Rashane to access this knowledge and jumpstart a career in the Navy.

In order to begin his career in the Navy, Rashane was enrolled in the Naval Academy. Playing on his speedy ability to learn, and not his newfound knowledge from the implants, Rashane graduated just two years later. His family history and association with Krimson earned him a quick promotion to Lieutenant. Krimson assigned the Lieutenant to a Carrack Cruiser under his fleet, the Indomitable, as Captain of the ship. In the confusion of the Clone Wars, the Republic paid the young officer no mind. His ship, which had just been repaired from its participation in the Battle of Coruscant, was freshly crewed with officers and enlisted hand-selected by Krimson to be beneath the rank of his protoge.

With the Clone Wars at an end, the record of Krimson's assistance to Rashane was made public. However, with the chaos that ensued with the declaration of the New Order, and the Republic Navy's reorganization into the Imperial Navy, his situation was once again overlooked. During the next several months, Rashane served under Krimson's fleet, his personal relationship with the Admiral never truly deteriorating; however, the personal contact diminished between them, and Rashane has been forced to do more thinking on his own, and act more independently.

Other: The Indomitable hosts a crew compliment of 1092 and a company of 142 Stormtroopers onboard. It also carries a Drop Ship Transport and three (3) Tie/ln Fighters.

  • Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 12:20:31 pm by The Insane Admin

Re: Rashane Calanyn - TDT
Reply #1
Name: Jaered Zhet
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Species: Human

Jaeden is extremely resentful against those who use their influence and wealth to get ahead of others. This creates tension between him and his Captain, straining their relationship. Jaeden is opinionated and hot headed, speaking what he feels like, which slows down his progress.
Jaeden is opinionated and hot heated, resentful of people who use their influence, and tries to oppose them at any possible turn. He doesn't know when to hold his tongue, which gets him into trouble.
Position: Jaeden serves as the second in command on the Carrack Cruiser, Indomitable of the Imperial Navy.
Homeworld: Telos
Occupation: Imperial Naval Officer
Affiliation: Imperial Navy
Rank: Lieutenant
Jaeden's history was pretty typical. Neither of his parents died, achieved great things or were insanely rich. His childhood years passed without any notable events, and when he finished schooling at eighteen, Jaeden headed into the Republic Academy. He graduated four years later, ready to serve the Republic in whatever manner he could.

Jaeden was on unequal ground for most of his years following the Academy. Several of his peers came from strong Republic families and received accelerated promotions and illustrious assignments. Jaeden, however, was forced to work his way up slowly. He began on a small gunship, patrolling the borders of the Republic. Jaeden was assigned as a mere tactician, a duty normally held by Enlisted officers on larger ships, but manpower was meager and officers assumed task that would normally be held by lower ranking crewmembers.

After his gunship was nearly destroyed in battle, Jaeden was assigned to a cruiser, this time the head of a ship department. For several years he served dutifully on the ship, earning a promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade, eventually to full Lieutenant. With the raging Clone Wars, officers were in demand. Jaeden placed a request for a transfer to another ship, hoping to earn a position as a Executive Officer, or even a promotion and assignment as Commanding Officer of a smaller Corvette.

Much to his disappointment, Jaeden was assigned only as the Executive Officer of a Carrack Cruiser, second in command. To add to his despair, the ship he was assigned had no specific squadron, but served as a backup and support vessel to the rest. As if it couldn't get any worse, the commanding officer, who attained his position by way of the fleet's admiral, was only half his age, a fourteen-year-old boy!

Special Skills: Jaeden is intelligent and able to lead well. His leadership abilities are very clear, and his subordinates generally follow him without question.

Weapons/Items: BlasTech DH-17, Datapad
Armor/Clothes: Imperial Navy Uniform
  • Last Edit: December 27, 2007, 05:14:26 pm by The Insane Admin